How To Create And Upload Website Using Dreamweaver

Setting Up And Uploading Your Website In Dreamweaver Using Cpanel Hosting account

There are many ways to connect and update your files on your website hosting account (FTP, Frontpage, Cpanel File Manager).  One of the most popular way is using Dreamweaver.  Here fajiweb have assembled this easy to use guide to connecting Dreamweaver to your account.

Will Dreamweaver work with my hosting account?
Yes.  Dreamweaver will connect directly to your hosting account and will sync with it.  DW should be able to upload all of your files and you may use it to update your site easily.  Please make sure to know where your local web files are stores on your PC before starting this tutorial.  Or if you are creating a new website, you can choose any location on your PC to start a site with.

What initial data do I need?
Your domain name.  Your ftp username and password.  You should have all of this information from your welcome email that we sent you.  If you do not have this, contact us ASAP.

To use Dreamweaver you must connect your PC to our server using the Dreamweaver program.  The following covers that procedure.

connecting Dreamweaver to Cpanel

Lanch Dreamweaver on your PC.
Use the menu at the top and select SITE, then select MANGE SITES.
Name your site anything, like myWebSite, then click on the ADVANCED TAB

Now you should see Local info and Remote info. 
Local info is where your website files reside on you PC, that is why it is called local. 
Remote info is the info on your server account here at

You should already see your site name filled in.  Press on the icon to the right of Local root folder and find where your website files are on your PC.  If it is an existing website, choose that existing folder.  If it is a new website, create a new folder.  Do the same with the default images folder.  (Note that only you will know where your local PC files are).

For http:// address enter your domain name you registered with us.  e.g if your domain name is, you would enter Now your local info is now defined. 
After you have finished the above, click on the REMOTE INFO tab.

Set Access to FTP
FTP HOST:  Will be your domain name minus any http://www.  Ie if your domain name is then that is all you enter here.  Do not enter www or any other thing with it

Host Directory: For all Cpanel enabled accounts enter public_html/
make sure to include the backslash /

Username: Enter your master FTP username as stated in your welcome email
Password: Enter your master FTP password as stated in your welecome email
Click on SAVE PASSWORD so you don't have to re-enter it

Passive transfers: click this box ON (if you have connection troubles you can try clicking it off).
Firewall: You usually leave this checked off
SFTP: You usually leave this checked off
Check-in and check-out:  Use this option if you only want altered files to transfer to the server.  Leave it off if you want the entire site to transfer each time you are uploading.

Click on test to test your logon connection, to make sure you have entered the right details.  If it does not work, try tweaing your Passive and Firewall settings. If it works; press OK at the bottom of the page to exit this page.

dreamweaver setup cpanel

Ok now click on DONE and your project should appear in the RIGHT SIDEBAR of DreamWeaver as shown below.

You have successfully setup Dreamweaver to connect with the server.  If you run into any problems please contact support and we will assist you or you make google more information on this topic to help yourself.

Ok now how do I FTP my webfiles to the Server?

In the right sidebar, shown above.  Select your project, e.g myWebSite. 
Click on the first PLUG icon (it is the little blue PLUG icon just to the left of the circular arrow icon.
If you get a POP-UP screen at this point requesting local or remote info then you did not correctly configure your connection.  Repeat the steps at the start of this page.  Assuming you do not get that pop-up page, Dreamweaver should now connect.
If you get no connection errors continue as you have successfully connected to your server at this time..

You should not be connected to the server to do the following.
To view the files on the remote server connect on the icon shown above,
This should open a view of the local server (your PC on the right) and the server (on the left).

Assuming you have not transfered files yet, or you have added or edited files, the remote side will not look like the local side. You need to SYNC your files so the PC looks like the server.
You can then choose to SYNC specific files you highlighted in the file menu above or all of the files.

If you want to send ALL files from your PC to the SERVER select Put newer files to remote.
If you want to send ALL files from the server to your PC select put newer files to local.
Be careful of the DELETE REMOTE FILES option.  If selected this will delete files that do not appear on the side or the other.
Click on Preview botton to preview your work, then Click OK
Your PC and server should be in SYNC

You can also move just one file by selecting it in the sidebar menu and pressing on the UP or DOWN arrows.

I see a file list when I goto my domain but not my website?
Make sure to name your welcome page index.html or index.htm or index.php depending on the extention you are using, then upload the file.  This will fix this issue

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