WordPress Installation Procedure 2

You want to build a WordPress website, dont worry after reading this article, you will surely be a professional. This writeup contains all the step by step guild in WordPress website installation and building a professional website with WordPress free of charge.

I trust before reading this pieces, you must have read extensively about the important of softaculous and how to use it in installing WordPress under 15 seconds without any strees. Pls if you have not read it, Click Here Now to read it!

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In case you are saying this article is too lenghty for you to read, you can read the summerized version by Clicking Here. This summerized version has been well summerized to save your time from doing the wrong things and wasting much of your time or data in reading this very episode. But if you want to read all the juicy details that will forever help you in life regarding WordPress, then read on.

HOW TO INSTALL WORDPRESS (The Begining and The End)
To fully install WordPress as your site or as a blog, please follow the below instruction.
1. Login to your cpanel
2. Click on the WordPress icon under the heading Softaculous App Installer or click on Softaculous under the heading Software and service
3. If you clicked on Softaculous under the heading Software and service, click on the WordPress icon under the heading Top Scripts; then click on Install. But if you click on the WordPress icon under the heading Softaculous App Installer, then click on Install.
4. On clicking on the install link/button, it brings out different boxes for you to fill; the boxes are below

Software Setup
(A). Choose Protocol
If your site has SSL, then please choose the HTTPS protocol.
You will see http://, http://www., https:// and http://www.
There really isn't any advantage to using one of those over another, with the exception of the HTTPS protocol which would be used if an SSL certificate is installed on the website. The rest are purely formality. It is formality in the sense that if you want your website to be showing only http:// at the address bar, then you choose http://; but if you want your website to be showing www or showing www with http:// then you will choose http://www. the same thing applies to the https:// and http://www.

(B). Choose Domain
Please choose the domain to install the software.
This is the domain/website that you want to install the WordPress in. e.g if your domain name or website name is www.bestwebhostingcompanyinnigeria.com, you will see the name bestwebhostingcompanyinnigeria.com; just choose the domain bestwebhostingcompanyinnigeria.com

(C). In Directory

The directory is relative to your domain and should not exist. e.g. To install at http://mydomain/dir/ just type dir inside the box written wp and erase the wp written there before. To install only in http://mydomain/ leave this box empty.
You will see wp in the next box; so if you want to install your WordPress in www.bestwebhostingcompanyinnigeria.com/wp, then leave the wp. if you want to install your WordPress in www.bestwebhostingcompanyinnigeria.com/hostingblog, then erase the wp and type in hostingblog.
But if you want to install your WordPress in www.bestwebhostingcompanyinnigeria.com so that any body that comes to your website at www.bestwebhostingcompanyinnigeria.com will see your blog or website, then erase the wp and leave the box empty.

Site Settings
(D). Site Name
This is the name you want to call your blog or website, you will see My Blog on the box beside it. If you want your blog or website to be call Free Domain Name Registration Blog, then erase My Blog and type Free Domain Name Registration Blog.
If you dont want your blog to be called anything, you can erase My Blog and leave the space blank. But it is always good to give your website/blog a name.
You can also change this setting after installation.
To change Site Name, login to your WordPress admin, go to Setting, then click on General, you will see Site Title, change it here and click Save button at the below to effect your changes

(E). Site Description
This is the site description that people see when they search google or other search engine.
You will see My WordPress Blog on the box beside it. If you want your blog to have this site description, you can leave it; but if you want it to have another and better site description then erase My WordPress Blog and type your own site description. If you dont want your blog to have site description, you can erase My WordPress Blog and leave the space blank. But it is always good to give your website/blog a site description because it helps alot in search engine and google ranking.
You can also change this setting after installation.
To change Site Description, login to your WordPress admin, go to Setting, then click on General, you will see Tagline, change it here and click Save Changes at the below.

(F). Enable Multisite (WPMU)
This feature will Enable Multisite option for your WordPress blog and Your server must support Apache mod_rewrite to use this feature.
If you want to have multiple WordPress in your site, then tick the box near the name Enable Multisite (WPMU). But it is always advisable to leave this box blank.
Multisite is a WordPress feature which allows users to create a network of sites on a single WordPress installation. This feature has been available since WordPress version 3.0 was lauched. Multisite is a continuation of WPMU or WordPress Multiuser project.
You can get more details on Multisite from google

Admin Account
(G). Admin Username
This is the username to login to your WordPress admin. In the box near this, you will see admin written inside, so since we don't advise you using admin as your admin username because of hackers that will easily guess it and hack your website, we advice changing the username to a name that only you can remember. Erase the admin and put any other name of your choice.
PLEASE NOTE: Username can not be changed once set

(H). Admin Password
This is the password to login to your WordPress admin area. In the box near this, you will see pass written inside, so since we don't advise you using pass as your admin password because of hackers that will easily guess it and hack your site, we advice changing the password to a name that only you can remember. Erase the pass and put any other name of your choice. It is always advisable to use Uppercase plus Lowercase Plus Numbers or Symbol. So you can put your password as LOOKgood@299(+
With the above, no body can easily guess your pass. Pls don't use LOOKgood@299(+ it is only for illustration of this article. You can also click on the KEY ICON to help you fix in some random password, then copy the password down for your use.
You can also change this password after installation.
To change your password after installation, login to your WordPress admin, go to Users, then click on All Users, you will see New Password, click on the Generate Password button and click on Update Profile at the below

(I). Admin Email
This is your email address. When the installation is complete, the installation details will be sent to this mail. Also if you forget your password, your new password or how to reset to a new password will be sent to this email address. So make sure that the email you are putting here is working. The system fix email address for you, you will see admin@your domain name. So if your website is www.cheapwebhosting.com, in the email box column, you will see admin@cheapwebhosting.com; erase this email and put your own valid email that you can access at anytime.

Choose Language
(J). Select Language
This is the language that you want your site to be on, by defualt the language is set to English, and if you don't speak english or you don't want the site to be on English Language, you can change this.

Select Plugins
(K). Limit Login Attempts
Limit the number of login attempts for your WordPress installation. If you select this, Limit Login Attempts plugin will be installed and activated with your installation.
To known more about the plugin, visit https://wordpress.org/plugins/limit-login-attempts/
Pls read this well before installing this plugin

Advanced Options
(L). Advanced Options
This options carries so many thing, if you don't know much about web development, WordPress installation and Database, pls just leave this section alone. You will see the below on this section

Database Name
Type the name of the database to be created for the installation

Table Prefix 
By default, WordPress install comes with wp_ as the Table Prefix, this make i more easier for hacker to be able to hack WordPress site, but to make this stronger, softaculous will add another prefix name, you will see name like wpfq_ or wpz0_ or something else, attached to wp so that it will be dificult for hackers to hack it. You can leave the column like that or you may put your own Table Prefix. Please be sure you know what you are doing very well when attempting this

Disable Update Notifications
If checked you will not receive an email notification for updates available for this installation. We advise you leave this column blank

Auto Upgrade
If checked, this installation will be automatically upgraded to the latest version when a new version is available. We strongly recommend you tick this box, so that your WordPress site will always be upto date

Auto Upgrade WordPress Plugins
If checked, all the active WordPress plugins installed for this installation will be automatically upgraded to the latest version when your script installation is upgraded. We highly recommend you tick this box, so that your WordPress site plugins will always be upto date

Auto Upgrade WordPress Themes
If checked, the active WordPress theme for this installation will be automatically upgraded to the latest version when your script installation is upgraded. We advise you tick this box, so that your WordPress site thems will always be upto date; but how ever, in the process of auto update of theme, you may loss any or some custom settings like site footer etc

Automated backups
Softaculous will take automated backups via CRON as per the frequency you select
You will see Don't backup, Once a day, Once a week and Once a month. It is good to choose a backup, aleast you can choose once a month. But remeber that this will easily make your space that you bought get full on time, then you will be ask to upgrade to a higher plan, where you will be paying higher money

Backup Rotation
On Backup Rotation, if the backup rotation limit is reached Softaculous will delete the oldest backup for this installation and create a new backup. The backups will utilize your space, so choose the backup rotation as per the space available on your server
So you can choose, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10.
But by defualt, the backup rotation is set to 4

Email installation details to
(M). Email installation details
The Email installation details wil contain your valid email address. Completed installation details will be sent to th
is email address. We strongly recommend you use a valid and upto date email address.
PLEASE DONT USE admin@yourdomain except you have already created the email

(N). Install
Click this botton to fully install the WordPress in your site
NOTE: This may take between 15 secs to 4 minutes depending on how fast your internet connection is. Please do not leave this page until the progress bar reaches 100%

Fully Completed Installation
(O). Complete Installation
If your installation is completed, you will see the below
Congratulations, the software was installed successfully

WordPress has been successfully installed at :
Administrative URL : http://www.bestwebhostingcompanyinnigeria.com/wp-admin/
We hope the installation process was easy.

NOTE: Softaculous is just an automatic software installer and does not provide any support for the individual software packages. Please visit the software vendor's web site for support!

Softaculous Auto Installer

If you will like to Uninstall the WordPress that you installed using Softaculous read it here to see full instructions

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